Evangelistic Outreach near Voz Campesina

On Saturday afternoon, ministry teams from Cd. Victoria, Voz Campesina, and Edinburg joined together to spread the gospel, pray, and be a blessing to the people living near the Guayalejo River. The team's goal was to remind the locals that the church at Voz Campesina is available to them and to introduce potential newcomers to the church's leaders, Isai and Karen.
Isai and Karen arranged for there to be a generator, a meal to be enjoyed, and a trailer to move everything so that the meeting could be right on the banks of the Guayalejo River. Willy, Manny and Herminio from World Harvest Family Church in Edinburg gave team members a ride to the event, helped organize the setup, and were ready to minister the Word by sharing and praising Him in song. Isai’s father, Santos, blessed the attendees by preparing his delicious famous fried chicken cooked in a disc over an open fire and Fernando and Erik from Cd. Victoria took all the sound equipment necessary for the event. Carlos, Caballero, Juan Antonio, and Rodrigo, also from Cd. Victoria, also assisted in the set up and were ready to praise the Lord! Praise God, everyone used their gifts to contribute to this glorious gathering all to His Glory!
As the team was preparing and practicing coritos, a parade of horsemen (a cabalgata) passed by. They were part of a quinceanera celebration and the quinceanera herself was showcased in a horse drawn carriage accompanied with a traveling band. Out of respect, the quinceanera band stopped playing and waved as they passed by. Both Herminio and Manny had been inviting people over a portable speaker on the nearby bridge and were led to speak blessings over the revelers! They showered her and her entourage with words of encouragement, kindness, and blessing and we believe they received them!
Once the service started, accordion melodies, guitar strums, bass beats and congas were heard up and down the river and throughout the neighboring villages. The congregation joined in by praising through singing, through the lifting of their hands, and through dancing.
Herminio, one of the men that has been coming to this area since the church began, delivered an encouraging Word that led one of our church members to decide to get baptized! Even though it was a chilly evening, and the water was very cool, he did so immediately!
Herminio, one of the men that has been coming to this area since the church began, delivered an encouraging Word that led one of our church members to decide to get baptized! Even though it was a chilly evening, and the water was very cool, he did so immediately!
Before the meeting, Willy had seen two men near the river and invited them to the service. The men were appreciative of the invite and politely said that they would think about it. Near the end of the service, Willy and Carlos ministered to one of these men (Benjamin) and he accepted prayer and some great food. He left blessed! He mentioned that he really enjoyed the praise music and that we all looked very “different” - Glory to God! He connected with Isai and we are believing he will begin attending the Voz Campesina church!
The day ended with a great meal and great fellowship, but we believe even greater things have just begun!
The day ended with a great meal and great fellowship, but we believe even greater things have just begun!
