Cosecha P&W Fellowship

A Fellowship of Praise Teams took place in Mexico on the weekend of October 16-18th and Willy, Manny, Josue and others from Cd Victoria took part in leading these meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to pray, renew vision, and to speak into each other’s lives as vital members of the Body. The first meeting was held in Cd Victoria at one of the members' event centers and the fellowship was excellent. Most of the Praise Team from Victoria was present and the unity amongst the members was evident. Willy and Carlos led this meeting and they allowed each member to remember the day that the Lord had called them to lead or be a part of a praise team. Some were called as early as teenagers and have been in a team for almost 20 years while other younger ones have been serving for about 5 years. Each one shared moments in their personal lives when they saw the result of them praising in a service when people were saved, healed and delivered. They all recalled that Father God is true to His Word when the scripture states that HE inhabits the Praises of HIS people. They all rejoiced and remembered those beautiful moments and were reminded that those moments are available every time and everywhere a person is praising God! We then prayed, laid hands on them, and Manny and Willy prophesied over them. It was a time filled with Glory! After praying and praising, the food was brought out and they enjoyed a delicious meal partially prepared by Carlos’s business, EL Trono. Trompo, bistec and quesadillas were on the menu and the night ended deliciously!
Saturday morning, Carlos and Pepe joined Willy, Manny, and Josue at the hotel breakfast area to eat and plan their trip to Cd. Mante for Round 2 of the Praise Team Fellowship. The men then left to pick up Fernando, another brother from Cd. Victoria and then drove through the Mountains of Llera and alongside the beautiful biosphere of Gomez Farias and El Cielo. The conversations were uplifting and jubilant to say the least. The men arrived in Cd Mante to pick up the youngest trainee of the Mante Praise Team, the drummer, Alexa, who is Juan’s daughter. Juan’s wife, Anahi, sent Alexa with homemade barbacoa and special salsas along with fresh tortillas for the fellowship that would take place. It was a challenge to not end the meeting early when the aroma of barbacoa filled the entire church building, but they resisted. At this meeting, Isai and Karen from Voz Campesina joined them and both teams fellowshipped as one. Many things were covered in the meeting and the stories of what God has done through many of the people from our Body throughout the years was amazing. Karen relayed childhood memories of how WHFC members would pay great attention to the kids and how she always found the music so enjoyable. She is now leading praise with her husband at Voz Campesina. Her husband, Isai, recalled being in praise services and how the presence of God was so strong that, as a young person, the desire to lead a team of people was implanted in his heart. Now he has been doing just that, and doing it faithfully in churches in Voz, Victoria, and Mante. Pepe, from Cd. Victoria remembers when he met Jesus, he did so during a time of worship at a grand opening for a Christian bookstore. The teams shared and recalled great experiences as they have praised and continue to praise Father God. The teams are constantly aware of how beautifully the Lord ministers during times of praise and worship music services. Their constant expectation of HIM moving and their personal skillful practices during services is at the forefront for these teams. The meeting ended with a great barbacoa brunch and then more personal prayer with specific Word spoken to individual members. The team of men then traveled to Voz to have the Saturday afternoon service. The church was already open and the people were ready to give and receive. The team, Josue, Willy, Isai, Karen and Carlos, then praised and great things happened as Willy called them to the altar to Praise HIM. The Lord could minister to them through the laying on of hands. The team then flowed in spiritual songs as this was one of the things that Willy ministered to them. Brother Manny from Edinburg and Brother Pepe from Victoria then 'tag-team' preached using good visuals so that the people could readily receive the Word.
The trip was very rewarding and the Team believed that the Mission of gathering the Praise Teams and ministering to one another was accomplished. They are believing for greater things to come and they continue to expect a move of God as they continue learning to Praise Father God with all their hearts, soul, mind, and strength.
The trip was very rewarding and the Team believed that the Mission of gathering the Praise Teams and ministering to one another was accomplished. They are believing for greater things to come and they continue to expect a move of God as they continue learning to Praise Father God with all their hearts, soul, mind, and strength.
