"Blessed to be a Blessing"
In 2022, we endeavor to FILL HIS HOUSE with glory - part of that is filling it with more of His people! As our church grows and we welcome visitors as well as long time members, we desire to build a team of faithful volunteers to serve as greeters, ushers, servers, teachers, builders, and so much more!
Our desire is that each and every believer within the body find a place to serve and be a blessing to others. Prayerfully consider taking on an active role and meet with a leader listed below to find where you can lend your talents to the Lord. He repays mightily! It truly is more blessed to give than it is to receive!

Volunteer Leaders
Omar & Miranda Torres
Josh & Tanya Andrade
Joe & Eva Cruz
Omar & Miranda, along with Juan and Priscilla Zavedra are always glad for volunteers! We can always use help in our ushering and greeting department and translation department. Please speak with Omar or Miranda or Juan and Priscilla to get on a schedule!
Joshua and Tanya oversee the praise & worship, media, and youth departments and can also use some help! If you can lend your gifts in any of these departments, please meet with them in person after service or contact them via email or text.
Joe and Eva Cruz are directors over the children's department and are always looking for help with Sunday school, monthly meetings, and with VBS! Please see Mr. or Mrs. Cruz to see how you can be a blessing to our church children and their parents!

Nick & Laura Torrez
Nick and Laura Torrez oversee our nursery department that provides childcare services for children under age 3 during most church services and some special events. If you'd like to lend your eyes and arms once a month, see Mrs. Laura Torrez!