Reunion de Varones - Cosecha Mundial Victoria

On Friday and Saturday, July 1st and 2nd, Pastors Jaime, Manny, Riley and Willy from World Harvest Family Church visited Ciudad Victoria to fellowship with brothers from Cosecha Mundial Cd. Victoria, Cd. Mante, and Palabra de Poder in Rio Bravo. The leaders from the church in Voz de Campesina were unfortunately not able to attend due to a death of a dear and loyal church member in the church family there.
The purpose of the Fellowship was to help men strengthen their marriages and relationships with Father God. After stopping at the border for their Immigration Permits in Reynosa, The Edinburg men met up at a nearby gas station to pick up Oscar and Josue, the leaders of the Rio Bravo Church. The trip continued as the men rejoiced in some great fellowship as they traveled and in prayer for Isai and the rest of the Voz Campesina family as they knew that peace and strength would be needed at that time. After a good lunch the men checked into a hotel and reviewed the plan for the Friday night’s service.
The men arrived at church at 5:30 pm and the fellowship began as some prepared to be part of the praise team while others greeted each other and enjoyed each other’s company. The service started and the Praise to the Father was exuberant and joyful! The men were then greeted by David, a member of the Cd. Victoria church. Brother Manuel, Manny, was the first to share the Word.
The purpose of the Fellowship was to help men strengthen their marriages and relationships with Father God. After stopping at the border for their Immigration Permits in Reynosa, The Edinburg men met up at a nearby gas station to pick up Oscar and Josue, the leaders of the Rio Bravo Church. The trip continued as the men rejoiced in some great fellowship as they traveled and in prayer for Isai and the rest of the Voz Campesina family as they knew that peace and strength would be needed at that time. After a good lunch the men checked into a hotel and reviewed the plan for the Friday night’s service.
The men arrived at church at 5:30 pm and the fellowship began as some prepared to be part of the praise team while others greeted each other and enjoyed each other’s company. The service started and the Praise to the Father was exuberant and joyful! The men were then greeted by David, a member of the Cd. Victoria church. Brother Manuel, Manny, was the first to share the Word.

He ministered on placing value on the Blessing of the Lord. After he ministered, Willy called Josue, leader of Rio Bravo Church, to minister what God had done at the previous Men’s Meeting in Rio Bravo and he mentioned that an awakening had been taking place. The men marvel at the way he ministers and carries himself at such a young age of twenty-two.

Willy then introduced Pastor Jaime, Pastor of World Harvest Family Church, as Pastor ministered on becoming Champions as we follow the process of living for Christ. The men were very receptive as Manny and Pastor Jaime shared a very concise yet anointed message. After the Word, personal ministry took place as some men needed agreement for their marriages and other family relationships. We continue in agreement that what was prayed over them becomes a revelation and a reality in their lives! The night ended with activities that the men really enjoyed and some great food that had been prepared beforehand. It was a great Friday Fellowship!

On Saturday the meeting was to take place early at an Event Center that one of our brothers owns. The setup was great as the men arrived, the coffee was brewing and so were great conversations and building and strengthening of relationships. This morning, Raul and Carlos shared Word and then passed it on to Willy as he ministered on "Loving one another as a Brother’s Keeper". This morning two men visited and both received Christ. One was an invited guest and the other was a young man that was working at the Event Center. After the Word, breakfast and Fellowship took place. Everything was great Praise God and the men were filled in Spirit, Soul and Body. The Kingdom continues to be edified through World Harvest Church and we continue to stand with one another so that we may live fruitful lives!
